Space otter charlie review
Space otter charlie review

Manipulating Charlie in gravity-free surroundings is relatively easy to master: a nudge of the left thumbstick and a tap of the B button sends our heroic otter zooming around with his jetpack. He’s not alone his crew of companions – each bursting with cute character design appeal – are able to offer mission objectives and a little practical help along the way. Thus begins your adventures, taking control of the otter Charlie as he explores various Zero-G environments, amassing better equipment and ultimately perhaps finding a new home for everyone. The otters have no fuel and no plan, however. Grab that floppy disk to gain a handy map of the area. The remaining species initially quite enjoyed the lack of humans wandering around, but – in a sign that global warming has worsened the planet’s health – it has begun getting too hot even for these animals, and so they built themselves a rocket ship to head into space and seek a new home. Human beings are to blame, of course, and they’ve departed the planet to seek alternative living conditions. It’s the early 2500s, and Planet Earth is in a right state. Not any more however! Thanks to Wayward Distractions, the otters have finally got the adventure they deserve, and these creatures have lofty ambitions.

space otter charlie review space otter charlie review space otter charlie review

It’s about time really, isn’t it? We’ve had an incredible range of animal species take centre-stage in video games over the years, including apes, dogs, frogs, and snakes, but otters have been underrepresented.

Space otter charlie review